Public Information » Media Inquiries

Media Inquiries

Any news story relating to the following topics should be coordinated through the Director of Human Resources and Public Information.
  • Interview requests with Central Office/District staff, administrators, teachers or students
  • District school policies and procedures, Board of Education
  • Personnel issues
  • Programs, initiatives or events relating to arts, academics or athletics
  • Inquiries about specific students in the Seaford School District
  • Crisis or breaking news regarding any school within the Seaford School District

For requests for information directly related to a school (i.e., school events), media should directly contact the school’s principal. The Director of Public Information will work closely with principals in regard to media requests.

If a principal declines an interview, or if the media inquiry relates to a district issue rather than a specific school, the Director of Human Resources and Public Information or the Superintendent will speak on the school’s behalf or provide a spokesperson.