Curriculum and Instruction » K-12 Core Content Curricular Resources

K-12 Core Content Curricular Resources

English Language Arts
Common Core Standards can be found here:
These standards cover K-12 instruction, and their purpose is to teach students the following skill set:
  • Reading: Literature
  • Reading: Informational Text
  • Reading: Foundational Skills
  • Writing
  • Speaking & Listening
  • Language
  • Standard 10: Range, Quality, and Complexity
To teach these skills with fidelity, the Seaford School District has adopted several curricular resources to act as the delivery model.
Bookworms K-5
Evidence-based pedagogy
Designed for differentiation
Built to increase vocabulary acquisition
Created around full texts on multiple topics
Straightforward differentiation toolkit
Curricular resource focuses on equity and access
6-8 Middle School Bookworms SSD is one of the first in the nation to pilot the Bookworms for Middle School curriculum. This new reading and writing program features full-length, grade-level texts and research-based reading, writing, discussion, and research strategies to support and develop students' comprehension.
Integrated reading & writing
Embedded skills lesson
Includes differentiated lesson supports
Includes diverse reading material
Curricular resource focuses on equity and access
Common Core State Standards can be found here:
These standards cover K-12 instruction, and their purpose is to teach students the following skill set:
  • Counting and Cardinality
  • Operations and Algebraic Thinking
  • Number and Operations in Base Ten
  • Number and Operations - Fractions
  • Measurement and Data
  • Geometry
  • Rations and Proportional Relationships
  • The Number System
  • Expressions and Equations
  • Functions
  • Statistics and Probability
To teach these skills with fidelity, the Seaford School District has adopted several curricular resources to act as the delivery model.
Engage NY
Clearly sequenced and comprehensive program
Provides - year long summary, rational for the module sequence, major emphasis clusters, and alignment chart
Includes differentiated lesson supports
Curricular resource focuses on equity and access
Illustrative Mathematics
Develops conceptual understanding and procedural fluency
Applies mathematics to real-world contexts 
Incorporates the five mathematical practices
Includes instructional task purposes
Curricular resource focuses on equity and access
Illustrative Mathematics
Supports shifts in instructional practice
Creates sustainable, scalable learning
Increases educator effectiveness and student understanding
Curricular resource focuses on equity and access
Next Generation Science Standards can be found here:
These standards cover K-12 instruction, and their purpose is to teach students the following skill set:
  • Dimension 1: Practices
    • Asking questions and defining problems
    • Developing and using models
    • Planning and carrying out investigations
    • Analyzing and interpreting data
    • Using mathematics and computational thinking
    • Constructing explanations and designing solutions
    • Engaging in argument from evidence
    • Obtaining, evaluating, and communication evidence
  • Dimension 2: Crosscutting Concepts
    • Patterns
    • Cause and Effect
    • Scale, Proportion, and Quantity
    • Systems and System Models
    • Energy and Matter in Systems
    • Structure and Function
    • Stability and Change of Systems
  • Dimension 3: Disciplinary Core Ideas
    • Apply broad importance across multiple sciences or engineering disciplines
    • Provide a key tool for understanding or investigating more complex ideas and solving problems
    • Relate to the interests and life experiences of students
    • Connect to the societal or personal concerns that require scientific or technological knowledge
    • Be teachable and learnable over multiple grades at increasing levels of depth and sophistication
To teach these skills with fidelity, the Seaford School District has adopted several curricular resources to act as the delivery model.
* The DDOE and Science Coalition are collaborating to pilot several new curricular resources in the 2021-2022SY. These include:
  • OpenSciEd
  • InquiryHub
  • Interactions
Delaware Department of Education NGSS Kits
A goal for developing the NGSS was to create a set of research-based, up-to-date K–12 science standards. These standards give local educators the flexibility to design classroom learning experiences that stimulate students’ interests in science and prepares them for college, careers, and citizenship.
Amplify Science blends hands-on investigations, literacy-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists and engineers.
TCI Bring Science Alive!
The experts at TCI have created a unified, three-dimensional approach to the K-8 NGSS-aligned curriculum that supports students' critical thinking, collaboration, and communication skills. The program is grounded in three approaches to learning science:
  1. Anchoring Phenomenon
  2. Student-led Inquiry
  3. Three-dimensional Learning
9th grade - Physical/Earth Science
10th grade - Biology
11th grade - Chemistry
12th grade - Physics
The Delaware Department of Education has aligned the NGSS to the core requirements for Science using anchoring phenomena.
  • 9th grade: How can one explain the structure and properties of matter? How do people reconstruct and date events in Earth’s Planetary history? How can one explain and predict interactions between
    objects and within systems of objects? How is energy transferred and conserved?
    How are waves used to transferred energy and send and store information? 
  • 10th grade: How do organisms live and grow? How and why do organism interact with their environment, and what are the effects of these interacts? How are characteristics of one generation passed to the next? How can individuals of the same species and even siblings have different characteristics? What evidence shows that different species are related? 
  • 11th & 12th grade: Analyze a major global challenge to specify qualitative an quantitative criteria and constraints for solutions that account for
    societal needs and wants? Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable problems that can be solved through engineering. Evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem based on prioritized criteria and tradeoffs that account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics, as well as possible social, cultural, and environmental impacts.
Social Studies
Delaware Recommended Curriculum can be found here:
These standards cover K-12 instruction, and their purpose is to teach students the following skill set:
  • to become informed and active citizens who accept their responsibilities, understand their rights, and participate actively in society and government
  • to research issues, form reasoned opinions, support their positions, and engage in the political process
  • to learn a genuine respect for the rights of others, a concern for the common good, and a commitment to such basic democratic principles
  • to become competent decision makers, both in their personal lives and when making societal choices.
To teach these skills with fidelity, the Seaford School District has adopted several curricular resources to act as the delivery model.
Bookworms K-5
Civics, Economics, Geography, and History are taught through the informational texts in the Bookworms K-5 program.
TCI Social Studies Alive!
The TCI approach to Social Studies Curriculum Resources and Programs integrates proven teaching strategies, engaging content, and meaningful technology to excite students and foster their love of learning. The program is grounded in three approaches to learning social studies:
  1. Differentiated Instruction
  2. Inquiry-based Learning
  3. Standards-aligned Curriculum
9th grade:; DE Recommended Curriculum (DRC)
10th grade: Economics and Finance; DRC
11th/12th grade: Stanford History Education Group; DRC
Social Studies prepares young people to become informed and active citizens who accept their responsibilities, understand their rights, and participate actively in society and government. Effective citizens must be able to research issues, form reasoned opinions, support their positions, and engage in the political process.