In accepting the use of school facilities and/or equipment the individual, group or organization granted the request shall agree to make good any damages done to the facility and/or equipment and to indemnify and hold harmless the Seaford School District for any accident to any occupants of the facility or grounds during the period of use. The Board of Education and Seaford School District accept no responsibility for loss of personal property. Proof of insurance must be provided in the form of an acceptable Certificate of Liability with coverage of at least the following in favor of Seaford School District naming the District as an additional insured for non-school groups:
(a) Commercial General liability $1,000,000 each occurrence;
(b) Damages to rented premises $500,000 each occurrence;
(c) Medical expenses $10,000 any one person;
(d) Personal and Advanced Injury $1,000,000;
(e) General Aggregate $2,000,000 and;
(f) Products-Comprehensive Aggregate $2,000,000;
(g) Umbrella policy $1,000,000 is optional;