Student Services » Relative Caregiver

Relative Caregiver

In Delaware more and more grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives are raising other relatives' children. While some relative caregivers have legal custody or guardianship of these children, many do not. 

Relatives who raise others' children without legal custody or guardianship often face difficulties in getting the services that they need for these children. In particular, these caregivers frequently have difficulty in registering the children for school.

Focusing on these children, Delaware passed the Relative Caregivers' School Authorization law. Under this law, grandparents and other relatives who are raising another relative's child without having legal custody or guardianship can register that child for public school.


If approved, relative caregiver forms must be renewed every 1-2 years based on your circumstances.


If you have questions about the Delaware Relative Caregiver Law, please click here.


For access to the Relative Caregiver Application, please click here.


All completed affidavits must be brought to your child's school of residence or given to the Director of Student Services for approval.  If approved, the student must be registered in school using the school enrollment form.  If you have any questions, email Gary Zoll at [email protected] or call 302-629-4587 x1550